6th: March 2, 2024
2024 Fukushima Medical University International Symposium on the Fukushima Health Management Survey
FMU’s Radiation Medical Science Center for the Fukushima Health Management Survey (FHMS) held the international symposium to share scientific knowledge and the latest findings obtained from the FHMS to the world.
2024.3.19 (Tue)
Streaming video for 2024 Fukushima Medical University International Symposium on the FHMS is available on YouTube now!
*We will announce delivery end date later.
The 6th Symposium Reports
This year, our sixth symposium was held at the main venue in Tokyo, a satellite venue in Fukushima, and online, with the theme of "3.11: Sharing lessons of Fukushima with Japan and the world," so that people all over the world can understand the impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake and subsequent accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, and the current state of revitalization through the results of the the FHMS and other information.
10 experts from Japan and overseas presented the findings of their areas of expertise, and engaged in lively discussions about their current research and activities including future prospects.
In the Opening Session, Dr. YASUMURA Seiji, Executive Director of the Center, opened the symposium with his "Overview of the Fukushima Health Management Survey," covering the whole picture of the FHMS.
In Session 1, "Insights - what we have learned from the people of Fukushima," FMU faculty members presented the latest findings from the Basic Survey to estimate external radiation doses during the period when air doses were highest, and four detailed surveys: Thyroid Ultrasound Examination (TUE), Comprehensive Health Check (CHC), Mental Health and Lifestyle Survey (KOKOKARA CHOUSA), and Pregnancy and Birth Survey (PBS).
In Session 2, "Bridges - to the future, for the people," Dr. UCHIYAMA Tokio (Vice President, Fukushima College) introduced efforts to clarify how catastrophic disaster effects children’s mental health, including issues related to infant development. Mr. KATAHIRA Yoshinori (Director and Secretary General, Fukushima Collaborative Revitalization Center) introduced efforts and activities to support wide area evacuees with their changing needs over time, and Dr. TAMAKI Tomoaki (FMU’s Radiation Medical Science Center for the FHMS) introduced our post disaster support activities for nuclear accident-affected municipalities.
In her Keynote Lecture, Dr. May ABDEL-WAHAB (Director, Division of Human Health, Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications, International Atomic Energy Agency) addressed the collaboration between organizations based on lessons learned from Fukushima with Q&A session.
Although, there was limited time available, the participants engaged in lively discussions and exchange of ideas, including question-and-answer sessions.
- For the details of the program and presenters’ biographies, please access the Program and Abstracts by clicking here.
- The report on our 6th (2024) International Symposium is available here.
Numbers of participants
176 participants in total: 30 at Tokyo venue, 17 at Fukushima satellite, and 129 online viewers
Presentation slides
YASUMURA Seiji Overview of the Fukushima Health Management Survey (FHMS)
Session 1 Insights - what we have learned from the people of Fukushima
ISHIKAWA Tetsuo Basic Survey - experience in dose estimation involving around two million people
FURUYA Fumihiko The Current Status of the Thyroid Ultrasound Examination and Scientific Findings
SHIMABUKURO Michio Lessons from 12 years of the Comprehensive Health Check
HORIKOSHI Naoko Current issues on mental health among affected people after the Fukushima disaster: The importance of human bonds in society
FUJIMORI Keiya Pregnancy and Birth Survey in Fukushima Prefecture
May ABDEL WAHAB Collaboration with International Organizations Lessons from Fukushima
Session 2 Bridges - to the future, for the people
UCHIYAMA Tokio Psychological effects on children in Fukushima and their care: findings from a longitudinal survey
KATAHIRA Yoshinori Support for wide-area evacuees of the 3.11 Great East Japan Earthquake and Nuclear Disaster
TAMAKI Tomoaki Risk communication and support activities of Radiation Medical Science Center for the Fukushima Health Management Survey for the affected municipalities
Pictures from the 6th Symposium
General Information
Main Theme
3.11: Sharing lessons of Fukushima with Japan and the world.
Date and Venues
Saturday, March 2, 2024
- Tokyo (Main venue): JA KYOSAI Building Conference Hall (Chiyoda City, Tokyo)
- Fukushima (Satellite): FMU Ekimae Campus (Fukushima City)
- Online: via Zoom
Nominal Support
- Fukushima Prefectural Government, Fukushima Prefectural Board of Education, Hiroshima University, Nagasaki University, Fukushima University, The University of Aizu
- Radiation Effects Research Foundation, National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology, Fukushima Institute for Research, Education and Innovation (F-REI)
- Japanese Government’s Cabinet Office, Reconstruction Agency, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of the Environment
- Fukushima Medical Association, Fukushima Association of Occupational Therapy, Fukushima Midwives Association, Fukushima Prefecture Mental Health and Welfare Association, Hospital Association of Fukushima Prefecture, Fukushima Prefecture Pharmaceutical Association, Fukushima Physical Therapy Association, Fukushima Association of Medical Technologists, Fukushima Collaborative Revitalization Center, Fukushima Nursing Association, Fukushima Dental Association, Fukushima Association of Radiological Technologists, Fukushima Prefecture Social Welfare Council, Fukushima Society of Medical Science, Fukushima Society of Certified Public Psychologists, Fukushima Prefecture Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Fukushima Society of Certified Clinical Psychologists
- FUKUSHIMA-MINPO CO., LTD., THE FUKUSHIMA MINYU SHIMBUN, NHK Fukushima, Fukushima Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd., Fukushima Central Television Co., Ltd., Fukushima Broadcasting Co., Ltd., TV-U FUKUSHIMA Co., Ltd., Radio Fukushima Co., Ltd., FM Fukushima