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  • Confounding factors and biases involved in regional differences in the detection rate of thyroid cancer in the second-round Thyroid Ultrasound Examination: the Fukushima Health Management Survey
Thyroid Ultrasound Examination

Confounding factors and biases involved in regional differences in the detection rate of thyroid cancer in the second-round Thyroid Ultrasound Examination: the Fukushima Health Management Survey


Title Confounding factors and biases involved in regional differences in the detection rate of thyroid cancer in the second-round Thyroid Ultrasound Examination: the Fukushima Health Management Survey

Hiroki Shimura, Susumu Yokoya, Satoru Suzuki, Manabu Iwadate, Satoshi Suzuki, Takashi Matsuzuka, Shinichi Suzuki, Fumikazu Hayashi, Masanori Nagao, Tetsuya Ohira, Seiji Yasumura, Hitoshi Ohto, Kenji Kamiya

Book title J Radiat Res. 2023 Sep 22;64(5):761-768.