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  • Associations of the COVID-19 pandemic with the economic status and mental health of people affected by the fukushima disaster using the difference-in-differences method: The fukushima health management survey.
Mental Health and Lifestyle Survey

Associations of the COVID-19 pandemic with the economic status and mental health of people affected by the fukushima disaster using the difference-in-differences method: The fukushima health management survey.


Title Associations of the COVID-19 pandemic with the economic status and mental health of people affected by the fukushima disaster using the difference-in-differences method: The fukushima health management survey.

Murakami, M., Kobayashi, T., Oikawa, Y., Goto, S., Momoi, M., Takebayashi, Y., Ohira, T., Yasumura, S., Masaharu, M.

Book title SSM Popul Health. 2021 Jun;14:100801.