Dr. Elisabeth Cardis of ISGlobal visited our center
Dr. Elisabeth Cardis, research professor of Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) and coordinator of the original SHAMISEN※ and follow-up SHAMISEN-SINGS※2 projects, visited FMU on June 27, 2022. SHAMISEN and SHAMISEN-SINGS are EU-funded, multi-national projects, in which faculty members of our center took part.
After touring our center, Dr. Cardis gave a lecture on her experience and lessons from SHAMISEN and other projects, and exchanged opinions with our center’s faculty members on the Fukushima Health Management Survey, based on the survey’s latest information.
Dr. Cardis and our faculty members, exchanging opinions
※ SHAMISEN (2015-2017)
An EU-funded project that developed a series of recommendations to better implement health surveillance and communication after radiation accidents. The recommendations consist of general principles that apply across all phases of an accident, and three sets of specific recommendations for: emergency and accident preparedness, early and intermediate response, and long-term recovery.
※2 SHAMISEN-SINGS (2017-2019)
Another EU-funded project, built upon SHAMISEN recommendations, which aimed to enhance citizen participation in preparedness for – and recovery from – a radiation accident, through novel tools and digital applications (APPs) to support data collection on radiation measurements as well as health and well-being indicators. A conceptual framework and guidelines for an APP to be used at the time of a radiation accident were developed through this project.